The Wellington sports programme is committed to providing all pupils the opportunity to participate in a programme fitted to their ambitions and aspirations. With over 20 sports offered we hope that all pupils leave the College having identified a sport or sports they will participate in for life, while also learning and developing positive life skills along the way.
In addition to this we are also fully committed to supporting those pupils who have ambitions to perform at the highest level. Our Priority sports, such as Rugby, Cricket, Football, Golf, Hockey, Netball, Squash, Rackets and Tennis, have a long and fast developing tradition of strong fixture lists and excellent training programmes, run by highly qualified and experienced coaches. In addition a Strength and Conditioning programme and an online educational Aspirational Athlete Programme, which covers topics such as sport psychology and nutrition, nurtures our sporting stars of the future to develop in a safe and professional environment. Our challenging fixture programmes, our success in national competitions, and our commitment to running both UK and overseas tours enable our aspirant athletes to compete at the highest level. Our external links in these priority sports further benefit those students whose ambitions extend beyond school sport.
Wellington supports pupils involved with a number of club academies and development programmes, such as Bath Rugby and Harlequins. Now the RFU has re-established the geographical boundaries of where schools and clubs are to be connected, the College has forged a relationship with Bath; from the winter of 2024 onwards they will see part of their U15 training programme based at Wellington, enabling our pupils to access a performance rugby programme without needing to spend hours each week travelling.
‘Bath Rugby are delighted to work with Wellington College in order to provide a venue and exceptional facilities for part of our U15 Academy training programme and we look forward to further growing the relationship with Wellington, as a school with such a rich history of playing rugby, in the future.’ – Craig Little, Bath Rugby Academy Manager
Due to our location, Wellington pupils are connected with a number of counties, such as Berkshire, Middlesex and Surrey, all of whom we are delighted to support.
‘The combination of having a 4 lane indoor centre, allowing a year round training programme, combined with good lines of communication with local counties, provides a great environment for the College’s aspirational cricketers.’ – Thea Brookes, Wellington College Head of Cricket
The growth of Football at Wellington, for both boys and girls, is one that is hugely exciting. To support this the last two years has seen a relationship develop between the College and Reading FC. Reading FC coaches come to support training at the College, and we are also delighted to facilitate pupils going to train at Reading to further support and challenge them.
The success of the College Golf programme is most clearly evidenced by regularly challenging for highly recognised trophies and our students gaining places on high level performance programmes at UK and US Universities and National level. To further support the Golf programme as a whole investment in the already exceptional 9 hole onsite course continues, along with updating our practice facilities and upgrading our computerised indoor swing room.
Our Hockey provision is one the College is proud of, with over 250 girls playing the sport: the U16 Girls won the National Championships in 2024 and several boys and girls have been involved in National squads recently. For many years now Wellington girls have won places at aspirational US Universities on Hockey scholarships. The College is delighted to work closely with the likes of Surbiton HC and Reading HC to ensure pupils get the best opportunities possible from their Hockey.
‘It is fantastic that Wellington aims to support the logistics of its pupils attending midweek Surbiton club training and we hope that this provides another training environment in which to help the development of the pupils at the school and the club.’ – Will Fulker, Coaching Director of Surbiton Hockey Club
The strength of the College’s Netball programme can be seen by teams regularly reaching the National Finals, with 2024 seeing the U16s finish 5th and the U19s 3rd. The provision for Netball at the College is founded on some truly exceptional staffing, with many of our coaches involved with county programmes, and a number, having played in the Netball Super League, now coaching in youth pathways of Super League clubs. The College aims to be as proactive as possible by supporting girls to play for both the school and their clubs: we understand that clashes can occur on Saturdays, which is why our excellent links with clubs makes planning for the girls (and their parents) a smoother process!
Tennis has gone from strength to strength at Wellington in the last 5 years, with exceptionally high numbers playing recreationally in the summer. An elite group, who are ambitious about progressing their Tennis to UK and US Universities and beyond, train all year-round on our dedicated indoor courts. We also support this aspirational group of pupils by facilitating attendance at off-site training venues, such as the LTA site based at Bisham Abbey.