In addition to the policies noted above, the following policies, among others, are available by contacting the Deputy Head (Teaching Staff Development), Mrs Katy Granville-Chapman. If you do not have access to email, then please address queries to Mrs Dinah Ford, PA to the Senior Leadership Team, Wellington College, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 7PU.
- Academic Support and SEND
- Code of Conduct
- Curriculum Policy
- Dress Regulations
- EAL and Bilingual Student Policy
- e-Safety and Mobile Phone Policy
- External Visitors Policy
- Fire Policy and Procedures
- First Aid Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Investigations Policy
- Intimacy and Sexual Relationships Between Pupils Policy
- Investigations Policy
- Policy for Pupils with EHC Plans
- Promotion of British Values
- Risk Assessment Policy
- Risk Assessment Management Policy
- Searching and Screening Policy
- Sport Policies
- Substance Misuse Policy
- Supervision of Pupils Policy
- Terms and Conditions
- Three Year Accessibility Plan 2022-25
- Trips Policy
- Use of Grounds and Out of Bounds Policy
- Use of Reasonable Force Policy
- Weekends Policy
- Wellbeing Programme (PSHE and SMSC)
For current parents all policies relating to discipline and behaviour may also be found on the parent portal.
Specific issues about welfare should be addressed to the Deputy Head (Pastoral), Mr Tom Wayman or the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Delyth Lynch.
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Stephanie Eyers, Mr Tom Wayman, Mr Charlie Sutton and Mrs Gaby Moretti Chambers.
The Chairman of the College’s Governing Body is the Vice-President, Mr William Jackson. Letters should be sent to the Vice-President, Mr William Jackson, c/o Clerk to the Governors, Wellington College, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 7PU. Tel: 01344 444 235.
The Master of Wellington College is Mr James Dahl.