The Academic Support Department is committed to ensuring that all our pupils can succeed. We aim to facilitate the College’s values of Independent Thinking, Learning and Coping (ITLC) through our developmental policy: To Teach is To Learn. In this way we aim to establish our pupils as active, compassionate and life-long learners. The department is loosely split into two areas: Academic Support for pupils who require guidance with any element of academic work and SEND for those pupils who have an Individual Education Plan.

We can accommodate pupils with mild learning difficulties. There is close collaboration with our Admissions department to identify pupils with a diagnosis and who require additional support when they arrive. If a pupil was awarded any concessions at Common Entrance we ask for an updated assessment with our in-house Educational Psychologist from year nine onwards, as stipulated by our examination awarding body.

All pupils are monitored from the year of entry and assessed using a diagnostic screener. These assessments are used to inform teachers on best support practice for the individual, and determine whether further assessment is required to apply for Access Arrangements or examination concessions, that may be suitable.

We assist pupils in a variety of ways including subject specific support, planning and organisation, revision, examination arrangements, and Executive Function Skills training. Delivery is both one-to-one and small group, depending on pupil need.

If a medical assessment is required we will arrange this with our Medical Centre or in-house Psychiatrist. By doing this the Academic Support department can liaise closely with parents and College staff to have a more active, informed and effective role in the provision required. The costs of assessments are covered by parents.

We monitor every pupil, and regular liaisons between Heads of Department, House Masters, Mistresses and tutors, subject teachers and the Academic Support team ensure that any pupil who requires help receives the necessary intervention, through our structured referral process. Regular feedback with the Head of Pastoral Care at Wellington College and our in-house Psychiatrist and Counselling teams ensure a holistic approach to pupil well-being is maintained at all times. Pupils who require regular support often drop their second or third language, freeing timetabled periods in which they attend Academic Support lessons. Here they can focus on study skills, coursework, assignments or revision.

For further information regarding the provision of Academic Support and SEND for current pupils please contact the Head of Academic Support and SEND, Mrs Charlotte Jones

SEND or Academic Support provision for pupils who are currently not in Year 9 should be addressed to the Admissions office; in liaison with Prep School Learning Support.


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