Pupils’ academic, pastoral and co-curricular progress is monitored closely by a committed team of tutors and HMs to ensure that all Wellingtonians are progressing as they should be and to help provide support and guidance when needed.
The relationship between a Wellingtonian and their tutor and HM is one of the most important in the whole of the College community. HMs oversee the pastoral care of all pupils in their House, but tutors look after particular year groups within a House community, meeting with their tutees both collectively and individually on a weekly basis.
The nature of all relationships between teaching staff and Wellingtonians is based very much on the coaching philosophy. We do not seek to give children our answers to their problems but, through the careful use of the right questions, tutors and HMs aim to help Wellingtonians identify their own problems and, just as importantly, formulate their own solutions to issues in their lives. This approach is at the heart of developing the skills of independent learning and independent coping within each and every pupil.
From an academic perspective, the progress of pupils is carefully monitored both by the subject teacher and the tutor, and there is regular communication with parents should a problem arise. Each set consists of comments from teachers and a target grade which indicates whether a pupil is on track to attain, outstrip or fall short of their target examination grade in each subject. This provides an opportunity for pupils to reflect upon and discuss progress across all subjects and, where necessary, to formulate targets for future development.