Wellingtonians have won places at Oxford and Cambridge over the past five years

Four members of the teaching staff are dedicated to supporting Oxbridge applications across the full range of courses. We identify potential candidates early and raise aspirations as soon as possible, as the intense competition for places requires particular focus and effort over a number of years.  This starts as early as Third Form with our academic societies, Inspire and Master’s lecture series, and Academic Extension programme.

As applications to Oxford and Cambridge universities are increasingly competitive, candidates are given specialist advice and guidance, primarily from within academic departments, and are supported at every stage of the application process to ensure that they have every chance of success.  This includes advice about the best courses and Colleges for them, and extension classes to broaden pupils’ knowledge and embed an even deeper love of the subject beyond the confines of any syllabus or curriculum.

In many regards, candidates for Oxford and Cambridge are self-selecting; those who are successful show genuine academic initiative at all times, a real passion for independent learning and a desire go beyond the demands of their courses at all points. The team is keen to ensure that, in line with the College’s wider ambitions, all Wellingtonians pursue learning in an intellectual, independent and scholarly fashion at all levels through the College in the knowledge that these are the strongest foundations for future Oxbridge success.

With close to 100 Wellingtonians winning places at Oxford and Cambridge over the past five years – on courses as varied as Arabic & Spanish, Classics, Engineering, Maths, Music, Natural Sciences, PPE, Psychology & Linguistics and History of Art – there has never been a better time to aim for Oxbridge from the College.

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