“Our aim is to enable an increasing number of families, who otherwise would not be able to afford the fees at Wellington, to send their son or daughter to the College. Means-tested fee assistance may be up to 100% of College fees, depending on individual family circumstances.”James Dahl
Means-tested Fee Assistance
For children with exceptional talents whose families would not be able to afford the full Wellington fees, we offer awards ranging from 10% to 100% of fees. Eligibility for an award is generally assessed – via means testing – at the time of an offer being made so that a family can accept the offer knowing that the required level of fee assistance is available.
An average year might see 20 pupils be admitted with an average award of c. 50% remission. Any family wishing to make an application for fee assistance will be invited to apply as part of the broader admissions process. A link to the online confidential ‘statement of financial position’ form will be sent after the registration deadline to families requesting fee assistance.
The Prince Albert Foundation
The Prince Albert Foundation is a scholarship programme aimed at widening participation to families who would not normally consider or be able to access independent education, and for whom we can offer a genuine shift in opportunity. Currently there are 10-15 fully funded Prince Albert Scholarships awarded each year, predominantly at 16+. Children who are eligible for Prince Albert Scholarships are those whose families are at socio-economic disadvantage; all families are means assessed by the College’s Chief Operating Officer. There is often a further relevant need/desire for boarding.
Candidates must meet our minimum academic criteria for entrance; we assess potential as well as current achievement, and actively encourage applicants who will maximise opportunities at the College – including academic, sporting, music and student leadership. The Prince Albert Foundation is not a programme designed to recruit pupils with a significant sporting talent.
In accordance with the College’s original foundation, one aim of which was to provide education for the children of deceased military officers, the College continues to educate the children of deceased servicemen or servicewomen of His Majesty’s Armed Forces irrespective of rank and the orphan children of persons who, in the sole opinion of Governors, died in acts of selfless bravery.
Applications for Fee-assisted Places
Applications for any of the awards above should be directed to the Admissions Department.
Tel: 01344 444 013
Email: admissions@wellingtoncollege.org.uk