Life in the Third Form
Life in the Third Form
Selection Overview
Our selection process for 13+ entry is in two stages: children sit the ISEB Common Pre-Test in either Year 6 or 7 and on the basis of their results and the strength of their head teacher’s reference they are invited to spend a day at Wellington.
Each year about 500 children will come to one of these selection days, where they get the chance to see what Wellington lessons are all about. No more tests or exams, just three fun and exciting activities which give them the chance to show us what they are really like.
“We're looking for children that exhibit real engagement, determination, and a sense of joy in learning.”
Phil Mann
The closing date for Year 6 assessment is 30 June of Year 5. To determine your child’s correct year of entry and closing date for registration, please click here.
We recommend that you register your child as soon as possible. The date of registration is a factor when allocating Houses. Early registration therefore increases the likelihood of a boy or girl being allocated their first choice of House.
It is our very strong recommendation, if parents do not know whether they would like their child to be a boarder or day pupil at Wellington, to register them for a boarding place as only in exceptional circumstances are we able to transfer pupils from day to boarding status once they have joined the College.
The non-refundable registration fee £360 (£300 + VAT) can be paid by credit or debit card to complete the process.
Alternatively, if you are unable to pay by credit card or would prefer to pay by bank transfer, our bank account details can be found by clicking here. Please let us know if you make a bank transfer by sending an email to
Fee-assisted places
Full information on our various financial aid options can be found here. Families are asked to estimate the level of fee-assistance that they are likely to require (our fees can be found here) before selecting the route via which to register their child. Please be aware applications for fee-assisted places are only accepted for children in years 5 or 6.
Families likely to require less than a 90% reduction in the fees are asked to register via the full fees route and will be asked to indicate their desire to apply for fee-assistance in a form which will be sent out after the closing date.
If you are in any doubt about this or have any questions, please contact the Admissions Department: Tel: +44 (0)1344 444013 Email:
Assessment Process
Stage 1 (Oct/Nov Year 6)
Candidates sit the ISEB Common Pre-Test, an age-standardised series of tests in English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. These tests are usually completed at the current school although a small number of candidates may take them at Wellington College. Overseas candidates can take the test at a British Council or an approved testing centre. References are also requested from current schools, before long-listed candidates are invited to Stage 2.
Stage 2 (Jan/Feb Year 6)
Selected pupils attend an assessment morning or afternoon at Wellington, consisting of a series of collaborative lessons and problem-solving activities. Pupils will also be interviewed by a senior member of staff. By getting to know the characters, strengths and personalities of each and every candidate during their day with us, we adopt a whole child approach to the assessment process.
Offers are made in March of Year 6, conditional only on receiving a favourable report of satisfactory completion of schooling from the current school at the end of Year 8.
Late Registration and Assessment
For those families who, for one reason or another, miss the original deadline for entry, late assessment options are available.
Late Admissions Route 1
This is for late registrations in Year 6. Children who are registered by 30 June of Year 6 will follow Stages 1 and 2 above but 12 months later than the standard route (entry for 2026 is now via Late Admissions route 2). For children offered places via this route, House choice is likely to be more limited.
Late Admissions Route 2
This is for children whose family contact us in Year 7. A two-month registration window, from May to June, opens a year in advance of the pupil’s proposed entry (now closed for entry in 2025). Candidates are asked to submit a short personal statement at registration, together with their latest school report. After online tests in early September, selected candidates will be invited to an assessment day at Wellington. To manage expectations, a positive outcome at this stage is a place on our waiting list, but each year we are able to make a small number of offers in the Michaelmas Term with further offers in the Lent Term and beyond.