Congratulations to Cressida M-C on her Commendation in the Trinity College, Cambridge Gould Prize. The competition asks Year 12 students to write a 2,500 word essay on English Literature from a set of questions set by the judges. Cressida chose to explore the relationship between dramatic or lyric text and performance, and her essay which drew on examples from Prometheus Unbound, Shakespeare, Wilde’s Salome, and Waiting for Godot, was praised by the judges for its scope and scholarship.

Cressida, who hopes to read English at University next year, is also a fine actress, and has performed in several Wellington productions such as Jack Absolute, 1984, and Dionysus which was well received at this summer’s Edinburgh Fringe. She will be taking a leading role in November’s production of Birdsong, as well as chairing student societies such as Sustainability, Femsoc, and the Peace and Conflict Institute.

We wish her the best of luck for this, her final year at Wellington.