Lucy C, who hopes to read Classics and English at University, took a significant step on that journey over the summer. Lucy, who entered the Mary Renault Classical Reception essay competition hosted by St. Hugh’s College, Oxford was highly commended for her work. Lucy’s essay, which explored the classical origins of the grotesque was based on Sarah Kane’s Phaedrus Love and the way it incorporated the Hippolytus-Phaedra myth. She suggested that through her adaptation of the ancient myth, Kane ‘was able to manipulate dreamlike mythical qualities, intertwining them with the amplification of the grotesque’. Lucy’s long essay was praised for its attention to detail and her secure understanding of the conventions of classical theatre.

Alongside her love of learning, Lucy is fully involved in Wellington’s co-curricular life. As well as performing in several musicals – Les Mis was the most recent – she is a regular participant in the Wellington Unplugged concerts where her wide and varied vocal range is always well received. She loves her sport too, representing the College at Hockey, Netball and Football, as well as putting her leadership qualities to good use in her role as Events Prefect.

After receiving her commendation, and being invited to visit St. Hugh’s in the early Autumn, Lucy is even more determined to take her classical studies further. We wish her the very best of luck in her quest.