Wellington has been selected as one of three finalists in the ‘Social Mobility Champion’ category (sponsored by Christ’s Hospital School) in the School House Awards 2024. The winner of each of the eight categories will be announced in the magazine’s Scholarships, Bursaries and Champions edition in October.

The judges were impressed by our three core programmes that support social mobility and widen participation; The Prince Albert Foundation, The Wheeler Programme and The Wellington Refugee Programme. These are in addition to our means-tested fee assistance scheme which supports, on average, 20 exceptionally talented pupils admitted at 13+ and 16+

Sarah Miller, Head of The Prince Albert Foundation says “I’m glad that the breadth of opportunities at Wellington supports disadvantaged young people in different contexts and at different points in their lives. It’s important that we are impacting outcomes for families locally, and nationally – working with partners to reach social mobility “cold spots”. I’m so proud of our PAF graduates of 2024, who have all secured university places: most are the first in their family to do so. I look forward to seeing these young people flourish into future leaders in their different spheres, which is what the Prince Albert Foundation is all about.” 


The Prince Albert Foundation enables children from low-income, refugee or edge-of-care families to study at Wellington College on a par with other pupils. Some join in Year 9, others in Year 12 and each financial award takes them through to age 18 and is for 110% of the fees. 



The Wheeler class of 2024

The Wheeler Programme allows us to work with a greater cohort, currently 93 pupils from year 9 to year 13, who remain with their usual state school for the five-year duration of the programme. Pupils attend Wellington once or twice per term as well as participating in residential courses. They receive academic support, revision lessons, support skills, life skills careers and HE advice plus extracurricular experiences.

The Wellington Refugee Programme is a tutoring and friendship programme for three refugee children and their families in Berkshire, aiding their integration and navigation of the English educational system.  A unique feature is that we include siblings and parents in many sessions, helping to build a sense of community.  Our current refugee families are from Syria and Ukraine.

Find out more about fee assistance at Wellington